Please be kindly informed that as of 01 January 2015, Basell Orlen Polyolefins Sp. z o.o.and Basell Orlen Polyolefins Sprzedaż Sp. z o.o. are changing the address of their seat.
The new address is:
ul. Ignacego Łukasiewicza 39
09-400 Płock/ POLAND
Beginning on 01 January 2015, please use the above address for mailing purposes and in all documents, i.e. invoices, orders etc.
The numbers of our stationary telephones and the address of our Warsaw office remain unchanged.
We apologize, in advance, for any inconvenience related to this change.
Should you have any questions, please contact our representatives.
Photo (author): Płocki Park Przemysłowo-Technologiczny SA